Friday, August 26, 2016

Hallelujah, but in the melody of the new JZ/Alisha Keys song

This is what dreams are made of
God taking care of the sick
Lots of helpless crumbling, crumbling, crumbling, like cornbread
There’s no putting it back together. So fragile.
Hallelujah, our God reigns.
Watch out [wei]. He’s comin for ya.
Vision casters, from another planet. Vision makers, for the future.
Steel movie car trap tubes. Brass jumble janger knobs with gumdrop shoes. Nonsense.
Dear Jesus, help us. Dear Jesus, we love you. Finally. Poems without borders.
Hand me that writing square. I want to write my heart. I want to pour my heart. I want to prick my heart with a quill, and write it all down. I’d like you to stay here tonight, please, just for a night, just for this one night, won’t you? It’s no trouble to me, and it’d be good for you. Please, stay, please, just stay, please. Don’t wear me out, don’t let me down. But don’t feel any pressure, just stay, just please just stay. Come on, let me grab that bag, here, right in here, is that okay? Will you be alright in here? The bathroom’s down the hall, the second door on the right, make yourself at home. You’re welcome to any food in the fridge. Please, who are you? How can I help you? How can I be of service? What are your needs? What are your desires? What are your hopes? What do you enjoy? What gives you joy? What makes your soul turn around, stop in its tracks, what is it that would take you and transform you into who you need to be? What is it, who is it that could reach inside, who could just hear the music you play and mimic and harmonize, who is it that would come and be your brother, please, what is that, how can we be that for each other? How would you like to come with me, stay with me for a while? You can pick any of these teas, I was just going to pour the water over the sink, how’s that? Can I sit on your couch for a while, can I hear your story? I like your windows, and the wood trim, and the shutters, and the lighting, and the arrangement of the furniture, I think it’s a little cozier than I’ve seen it. Would you like some pie and coffee? Yes, I was just thinking that, without the coffee, but yes the coffee is a great idea, I have to go to the restroom first, I’ll be right back.
Father, we are yours. Father, tie us together. Father, break us into our parts and put us back in a way that works better. Father, we are yours. Father, we are yours.
Peace to you. Peace of Christ to you. Won’t you come in? There’s leftover pie. And coffee, are you a coffee person?

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